News is everything that someone somewhere wants to bury; everything else is advertising. Put it very simply so that they will read it quickly, clearly, skincorously, cautiously, and above all so that they can appreciate it. For the same reason that flowers are placed in front of mirrors so that they can be admired, news should also be displayed in front of newspapers, magazines, radio and television with the same desire. After all, news is good for people and bad for people. It tells them exactly what they want to hear.
When we are reading news, newspapers, magazines and other media to provide information on current events, interesting or not so interesting stories, breaking news, world news, sports news, local news, and more. The beauty of the web is that it is available to everyone everywhere; it does not matter where you are. The news is therefore everywhere and accessible to everyone.
The beauty of news however is that it can reach people on a variety of levels. First, readers themselves choose the content through the process of social media influence. Second, the media provides a platform for journalists, pundits, and others to engage in dialogue and disseminate information. Finally, readers themselves choose how they receive the news. If they see it as a valuable resource, they may pass it along to others, which increases the circulation and popularity of the news. This increased circulation creates a powerful feedback loop: when more people are exposed to a story through a media outlet, more people will be affected by it, and in turn, the more people will be able to benefit from the news, the more widespread it becomes.
News, as any seasoned journalist can tell you, is the ultimate goal of newspapers, magazines, radio, and television. That’s because unlike advertising or PR, which aim at creating awareness or bringing attention to specific products or services, news reporting is about making the general public aware of a problem or issue, or finding out the facts so that they can make an informed decision. With the advent of new mediums like the Internet, news stories now travel across geographical and time barriers, crossing borders, and changing consumer behavior at a whim. In fact, it is this change in its global scope that has driven news marketing in a new direction for the press: delivering news to consumers through a web-based application. This shift in focus to readers has created new opportunities for the press: they can no longer rely on their established relationship with advertisers to deliver their news, but rather have to find other ways to connect directly with their readers.
News, as any experienced journalist knows, is a subjective medium. While the facts that we are presented with and the way in which those facts are presented often have a direct bearing on our reactions and decisions, the news is largely made up of stories that appeal to our emotions and are designed to make us feel good. As such, news has a distinct tendency to exaggerate the positive and downplay the negative; in some cases, the only two elements that remain are the voice of the narrator, and the objectivity with which he or she speaks.
This form of objectivity means that the news must be prepared not to criticize or condemn, but rather to relay information objectively and without bias. This form of journalism, which includes both radio and television reporting, is known by the terms objective and balanced journalism. This indicates that the reporter has neither a personal stake in the outcome, nor intention to report a side of an issue that is in opposition to his or her employer, the media organization from which the story is derived. As such, balanced and objective journalism is a form of journalism that relies on a combination of sources, both traditional and non-traditional, to provide the news. Broadening one’s horizons beyond traditional sources and leaning toward non-traditional sources and platforms is one of the major objectives of this form of journalism.